Cleveland tga- ryan White Part a program lpap standard of Care aids pharmaceutical assistance local

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Cleveland TGA- Ryan White Part A Program LPAP Standard of Care


Cleveland TGA Definition: Local pharmacy assistance program for the provision of prescription drugs to prolong life or prevent the deterioration of health directly related to an individual’s HIV condition.
Medication Assistance provided based on guidelines set by the Ryan White Part A Program. Individuals MUST be documented as ineligible for permanent and temporary sources of coverage (e.g., ADAP, Medicaid, Medicare, patient assistance programs, or private payer). Medications provided must be listed on the Cleveland TGA formulary.
Providers proposing pharmacy services under the RW Act are required to participate in Public Health Service 340 B pricing and/or accept this pricing as reimbursement in full from Part A.
The Cleveland TGA formulary can be located on the following link:

HRSA Definition: Local AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance includes local pharmacy assistance programs implemented to provide HIV/AIDS medications to clients. Implementation of a Local AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance Program for the provision of service for HIV/AIDS medications using a drug distribution system that has:

  • A client enrollment and eligibility process

  • Uniform benefits for all enrolled clients throughout the TGA

  • A drug formulary approved by the local advisory committee/board

  • A recordkeeping system for distributing medications

  • A drug distribution system

  • A system for drug therapy management

  • Consistent with the most current HIV/AIDS Treatment Guidelines

  • Coordinated with the State’s Part B AIDS Drug Assistance Program

An LPAP that does NOT dispense medications as:

  • A result or component of a primary medical visit

  • A single occurrence of short duration (an emergency)

  • Vouchers to clients on an emergency basis

Care and Treatment Goals: The overall goal of the Local AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance program within the Cleveland TGA is to provide formulary approved HIV/AIDS medications to all eligible PLWHA to ensure access to and retention with HAART medication therapies for improved and/or sustained health.
Service Objective:

  • To provide approved formulary HIV/AIDS medications to all eligible PLWHA to ensure access to and retention with HAART medication therapies for improved and/or sustained health

  • Medication adherence for all eligible PLWHA

Program Components: All medications provided are part of the treatment of HIV/AIDS, to include co-morbidities and/or opportunistic infections as a result of the clients’ HIV/AIDS diagnosis. Medication therapies are consistent with the most current HIV/AIDS Treatment Guidelines.


Staff Qualification

Expected Practice

Service providers dispensing medications shall adhere to all local, state and federal regulations and maintain current licenses required to operate as a medication dispensary in the State of Ohio.

Pharmacy license is onsite and current. 340B certification is current and on file with Agency records.

Pharmacists must have evidence of licensure as required by the State of Ohio. Pharmacy technicians have required certifications and are under the supervision of a pharmacist as required by the State of Ohio.

Personnel files/resumes/applications for employment reflect requisite experience and education.

Additional Standards

Expected Practice

Each prescription is dispensed/delivered within two (2) working days (including mail orders)

Prescription log shows date and time each prescription was submitted and filled.

Labels are available in Spanish when necessary

Prescription label descriptions are available in languages other than English upon request.

A procedure to voice complaints/grievances in regards to service delivery is available to all clients. Grievances must be maintained as required by licensure.

Pharmacy has a means to receive and address client complaints/grievances.

All pharmaceutical staff have signed confidentiality statements in their personnel files.

Signed confidentiality statements are on file with Agency administration/HR and available for review through personnel files.

Description of Service (HRSA Program Monitoring Standards):





Implementation of a Local AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (LPAP) for the provision of HIV/AIDS medications using a drug distribution system that has:

  • A client enrollment and eligibility process;

  • Uniform benefits for all enrolled clients throughout the TGA;

  • A drug formulary approved by the local advisory committee/board;

  • A recordkeeping system for distributed medications;

  • A drug distribution system;

  • A system for drug therapy management.

An LPAP that does not dispense medications as:

  • A result or component of a primary medical visit;

  • A single occurrence of short duration (an emergency);

  • Vouchers to clients on an emergency basis.

A program that is:

  • Consistent with the most current HIV/AIDS Treatment Guidelines;

  • Coordinated with the State’s Part B AIDS Drug Assistance Program

1. Documentation that the (LPAP) program’s drug distribution system has:

  • A client enrollment and eligibility process

  • Uniform benefits for all enrolled clients throughout the TGA

  • A recordkeeping system for distributed medications

  • A drug distribution system that includes drug formulary approved by the local advisory committee/board

  • A system for drug therapy management

2. Documentation that the LPAP is not dispensing medications as:

  • A result or component of a primary medical visit

  • A single occurrence of short duration (an emergency) without arrangements for long term access to medication

  • Vouchers to clients on a single occurrence without arrangements for longer-term access to medications

3. Documentation that the LPAP program is:

  • Consistent with the most current HIV/AIDS Treatment Guidelines

  • Coordinated with the State’s Part B AIDS Drug Assistance Program

1. Provide to the Part A grantee, on request, documentation that the LPAP program meets HRSA/HAB requirements
2. Maintain documentation, and make available to the Part A grantee on request, proof of client LPAP eligibility that includes HIV status, residency, medical necessity, and low-income status as defined by the TGA based on a specified percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
3. Provide reports to the Part A program of number of individuals served and the medications provided

An LPAP that does not dispense medications as:

  • A result or component of a primary medical visit;

  • A single occurrence of short duration (an emergency);

  • Vouchers to clients on an emergency basis.

Program Outcomes: Number of clients successfully transferring to a sustainable funding source as a result of accessing LPAP at 6 & 12 months.
Indicator: Number of clients who report an improved health status as measured by virologic suppression (HIV RNA Viral Load).

LPAP Standard of Care

Outcome Measure



Data Source


I. Structure

Service provider has recordkeeping system for distributing drugs

Documented evidence of recordkeeping system for drug distribution

LPAP providers with documented recordkeeping system for drug distribution

All LPAP providers

Agency Files

100% of LPAP providers have documented evidence of a recordkeeping system for drug distribution.

II. Process

The client is assessed for eligibility for the Ohio HIV Medication Program (OHDAP).

No barriers exits to accessing and utilizing OHDAP

Number of clients screened for OHDAP within first 30 days of medication assistance request

Number of clients on LPAP

CAREWare, Client charts,

RSR report

90% of client charts document assessment screening for eligibility of OHDAP.

Prescriptions are properly documented in client charts.

Prescriptions are properly stored in chart and include:

  • Name of client

  • Date of birth

  • Medication & Dose

  • Prescribing Medical Provider

Number of prescriptions with information listed as indicated

Number of prescriptions

Client charts

90% of client charts document prescription s as indicated.

LPAP Standard of Care

Outcome Measure



Data Source


III. Outcome

Clients are offered counseling on medication adherence.

Clients are screened for medication adherence and counseled if not adherent.

Number of clients screened for adherence
Number of screened clients are counseled

Number of clients
Number of screened clients

Client chart

100% of clients are screened for medication adherence
80% of clients screened to have adherence issues are counseled.

Prescriptions are in to pharmacy within 48 hours of LPAP provider receipt of prescription

Clients are provided medication within 48 hours of prescription given to LPAP provider

Number of clients with prescription provided within 48 hours

Number of clients with prescriptions

Client chart

100% of clients are provided medication within 48 hours of prescription given to LPAP provider

Revised and Approved by QI, August 2013

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