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United Nations


General Assembly

Distr.: General

17 July 2014

Original: English
Human Rights Council

Twenty-seventh session

Agenda item 3

Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,
political, economic, social and cultural rights,
including the right to development

Report of the Independent Expert on the promotion
of a democratic and equitable international order,
Alfred-Maurice de Zayas*


The present, third, report of the Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order to the Human Rights Council, submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 25/15, summarizes the activities of the Independent Expert undertaken from June 2013 to June 2014 and supplements his previous reports to the Council and the General Assembly. In the report the Independent Expert (a) undertakes a preliminary study of the adverse impacts of military spending, including ongoing armed conflict, the war on terror, surveillance, procurement, military research, diversion and corruption, on the realization of a democratic and equitable international order; (b) recalls that peace is a condition for a just international order necessitating good faith disarmament negotiations and a gradual transition from military-first budgets to human security budgets; and (c) makes pragmatic recommendations to States, parliaments, national human rights institutions, civil society and the Human Rights Council.


Paragraphs Page

I. Introduction 1 3

II. Activities 2–5 3

III. Facts and challenges 6–34 5

A. Human security 10–15 7

B. The sword of Damocles and nuclear annihilation 16–20 9

C. Obstacles 21–34 10

IV. Good practices and positive developments 35–62 13

A. United Nations Conference on Disarmament 36–37 13

B. General Assembly resolutions and Secretary-General Pronouncements 38–39 14

C. Role of the International Court of Justice 40–42 15

D. Arms trade and zones of peace 43–44 15

E. Recent studies on the negative impact on economic growth of inequality in
wealth distribution 45–48 16

F. The Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review mechanism 49–53 17

G. Human Rights Council workshop on unilateral coercive measures 54–57 19

H. International Day of Peace and Global Day of Action on Military Spending 58–59 20

I. Brussels Declaration 60–62 20

V. Conclusions and recommendations 63–88 21

A. Conclusions 63–66 21

B. Recommendations 67–88 22

VI. Postscript 89–90 24


Excerpts from or full text of relevant documents 26

Agenda for the expert consultation, 15 May 2014 28

Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Proclamation of Latin America
and the Caribbean as a zone of peace, 29 January 2014 (full text) 29

PEN International Bled Manifesto of the Writers for Peace Committee (full text) 31

Declaration of Brussels: Toward a democratic and equitable international order,
16/17 October 2013 (full text) 33

Danish Institute of Human Rights submission on participation 35

The fifteen countries with the highest military expenditures in 2013 37

Comparison of budget share allocated to military, education and health care 38

Allocation of income tax dollars 2013 (United States of America) 39

World nuclear forces 41

“The global arms trade, and its accompanying glut of military spending, continues to represent the single most significant perversion of worldwide priorities known today. It buttresses wars, criminal activity and ethnic violence; destabilises emerging democracies; inflates military budgets to the detriment of health care, education and basic infrastructure; and exaggerates global relationships of inequality and underdevelopment. Without massive and coordinated action, militarism will continue to be a scourge on our hopes for a more peaceful and just 21st century.” (Oscar Arias, former President of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Laureate.)1

I. Introduction

  1. The present progress report should be read in conjunction with the Independent Expert’s previous reports to the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly, which are cumulatively aimed at addressing the vast scope of Council resolutions 18/6, 21/9 and 25/15, taking due account of observations and proposals made by States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, communications addressed to the mandate holder, answers to a questionnaire and interactive dialogues. Inspired by the conviction that peace is an indispensable condition for achieving a democratic and equitable international order, the present preliminary report on disarmament for development corroborates the idea that disarmament must be a priority concern of the international community. Such disarmament must include cessation of the production and stockpiling of weapons, particularly weapons of mass destruction, accompanied by a significant reduction in the arms trade. Downsizing military budgets will enable sustainable development, the eradication of extreme poverty, the tackling of global challenges including pandemics and climate change, educating and socializing youth towards peace, cooperation and international solidarity. A concerted effort at the conversion of military-first economies into human security economies will also generate employment and stability.2

II. Activities

  1. In the period from 15 June 2013 to 30 June 2014, the Independent Expert undertook numerous activities in pursuance of the diverse facets of the mandate. In February 2014, he sent a questionnaire to States (see annex I), intergovernmental organizations, national human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations in order to inform his thematic report to the Council. He expresses thanks for all responses.

  2. He received letters and appeals from individuals and groups, which he acknowledged and considered. During the reporting period, the Independent Expert joined other mandate holders in appealing to Governments. He also issued numerous media statements on a wide array of issues and regularly met with Permanent Missions in Geneva and New York, special procedures mandate holders, civil society activists and other stakeholders. In addition, he participated in pertinent United Nations panels during the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth sessions of the Human Rights Council.

  3. The Independent Expert’s involvement in mandate-related events includes:

(a) From 24 to 28 June 2013 he participated in the annual meeting of special procedures mandate holders, held in Vienna;

(b) On 27 and 28 June 2013 he participated in a workshop on the post-2015 development agenda at the Vienna + 20 Conference;

(c) On 16 and 17 October 2013, he attended the fifth international conference on a world parliamentary assembly, held at the European Parliament in Brussels, where he spoke on the right to participation;3

(d) On 11 March 2014, he submitted a substantive paper to the Business and Human Rights workshop hosted by the Permanent Mission of Ecuador in Geneva;

(e) From 3 to 5 April 2014, he lectured on public participation and budget transparency at a meeting organized by the Academic Council on the United Nations System and by the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly in Vienna;

(f) On 15 May 2014, he convened in Brussels an expert consultation on military expenditures and international order (see annex II);

(g) On 23 May 2014, he delivered a statement at a workshop on the impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights, held in Geneva;4

(h) From 8 to 11 June, he participated in the National Congress of American Indians Conference in Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America, to learn about the impact of military and mining activities on their territory.

  1. Pursuant to paragraph 18 of Council resolution 25/15, the Independent Expert interacted with academia, think tanks and research institutes and,

(a) Contributed to a workshop on public participation at the Danish Institute for Human Rights in Copenhagen, on 24 and 25 September 2013;

(b) Gave a lecture on the scope of his mandate at the University of Geneva on 27 September 2013;

(c) Delivered a lecture on the mandate at Harvard Law School on 24 October 2013;

(d) Gave a televised interview on 25 October 2013 on the work of the mandate at Amherst Media;5

(e) Participated in a panel and recorded an interview at the International Peace Institute, in New York, on October 29, together with the Special Rapporteurs on freedom of assembly and association, and on the independence of judges and lawyers;6

(f) Delivered a lecture on the mandate at the University of Geneva on 6 November 2013;

(g) Moderated an event on human rights organized by the Future of Human Rights Forum and Earth Focus at the Geneva International Conference Centre on 10 December 2013;

(h) Delivered a lecture at the Zürcher Fachhochschule, in Zürich, Switzerland on 19 December 2013;

(i) Gave an interview on the Declaration by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) proclaiming Latin America and the Caribbean as a “zone of peace”, on 3 February 2014;7

(j) Participated in a briefing at the Permanent Mission of Canada in Geneva on the topic of the diversion of material from peace operations, on 9 March 2014;

(k) Contributed to a conference at the Danish Institute for Human Rights on the International Expert Working Group on Public Participation, in Copenhagen, on 11 and 12 March 2014;

(l) Deliberated with Eden Cole, Head of Operations for New Independent States, at the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), on 31 March 2014;

(m) Conferred with the newly elected Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Martin Chungong, on 8 April 2014, to explore possible cooperation;

(n) Participated in a panel discussion on the Global Day of Action on Military Spending, hosted by the International Peace Bureau in Geneva on 14 April 2014;

(o) Participated in several panels at the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Congress in Brussels, from 15–17 April 2014;

(p) Addressed the annual conference of the PEN International Writers for Peace Committee, held from 7 to 10 May 2014 in Bled, Slovenia;

(q) Met with officials of the European Commission Directorate-General for Justice in Brussels on 14 May 2014;

(r) Spoke at a consultation on the right to peace, held at the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica in Geneva on 4 June 2014.

III. Facts and challenges

  1. In paragraph 17 of resolution 25/15 of 27 March 2014, the Human Rights Council requested that the Independent Expert submit a report to the Council at its twenty-seventh session. In that resolution, the Council reaffirmed that a democratic and equitable international order requires, inter alia, the realization of the right of all peoples to peace. Pursuant to paragraph 10, “all States should promote the establishment, maintenance and strengthening of international peace and security and, to that end, should do their utmost to achieve general and complete disarmament under effective international control, as well as to ensure that the resources released by effective disarmament measures are used for comprehensive development, in particular that of the developing countries.”

  2. The above-mentioned commitments are central to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and essential to achieving a just international order. In that context, the Independent Expert is exploring the adverse impacts of military expenditures on the enjoyment of human rights, and the possibilities of reducing military budgets and redirecting resources to the post-2015 development agenda. He is convinced that a democratic international order presupposes a commitment to a democratic domestic order, and that an international equitable order can best be achieved when the right to development is promoted. Such a world order cannot be achieved unless domestic and international priorities are changed. One way to change those priorities is to make economic and social rights enforceable in the courts of all countries, and to make decisions regarding those rights reviewable by regional courts as well as, perhaps, an international court of human rights. Budget and fiscal transparency are necessary tools to prevent the hijacking of the international order by the international military-industrial complex,8 which seeks endless profits through the production and sale of weapons and thereby fuels conflict worldwide, hindering negotiation and peaceful solution of disputes.9 However, transparency is not enough. Balanced spending for economic and social rights will only be achieved through the rule of law.

  3. The United Nations has adopted countless resolutions reflecting that understanding shared by think tanks and civil society alike. Nevertheless, in spite of accurate diagnoses, there has been little progress in redirecting military expenditures toward peaceful industries. Indeed, one of the challenges faced by the present mandate is precisely how to transform the “ethically obvious” into the politically feasible. The present report on the links between disarmament and development and on the urgent need to reduce military expenditures worldwide can be seen as a preliminary report only, since the problem is endemic and strategies to solve it have hitherto failed. The Independent Expert intends to continue examining this vast issue as a component of the overall strategy to overcome obstacles to the establishment of a just international order.

  4. Other crucial elements of all the Independent Expert’s reports to date include a pertinent discussion of democracy and self-determination, which are closely related, both having individual and collective dimensions, as well as national and international implications. The ideal of direct democracy, including the power of legislative initiative of citizens and control of issues through genuine consultation and referenda has been partially achieved only in few countries. The prevalent model of representative democracy is not perfect and needs improvement. Representative democracy deserves the predicate “democratic” only if and when parliamentarians genuinely represent their constituents. Elected members of parliament hold the trust of the electorate and must proactively inform the latter of relevant developments that impact on decision-making, including on the allocation of national budgets for the military, education and health care. They must be committed to inquiring into what the voters need and want. In other words, representatives are accountable to the citizens, must act transparently and regularly consult with their constituency, since they are not plenipotentiaries, but represent the people with a mandate limited in time and scope, which must be administered in good faith and not in usurpation of power.

A. Human security

  1. Democracy and self-determination serve the overall goal of enabling human security and human rights. The concept of “human security” is not new. It is to be found, for example, in Franklin Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms”, notably in the concepts of “freedom from fear” and “freedom from want”.10 The United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report (1994) defined human security as “the security of people through development, not arms; through cooperation, not confrontation; through peace not war”.11 It encompasses: “first, safety from such chronic threats as hunger, disease and repression. And second … protection from sudden and hurtful disruptions in the patterns of daily life – whether in homes, in jobs or in communities. Such threats can exist at all levels of national income and development”.12 A major shift in priorities is necessary, because human security cannot be achieved for as long as governments, corporations, banks and universities continue to invest trillions in the technology of war rather than in the promotion and protection of human rights.13 As the former Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Federico Mayor, wrote in 1998, “Concepts of security must change. Until now we thought that investment in arms was the key to security. Now we know that our real enemies are poverty, ignorance, the destruction of the environment.”14

  2. One of the problems with addressing military spending is the lack of an all-encompassing definition. That absence allows governments to dissimulate certain expenditures by attributing them to budgets not immediately identified as military-related. Frequently, military expenditures are “secret” or concealed, thus frustrating the right of citizens to know how their taxes are being spent. Military expenditures may be allocated, not only to the Army, Navy and Air Force, but sometimes also to a department of energy,15 to “research and development”,16 “national security”, “intelligence”, “foreign relations”, etc. A definition of military expenditures must include not only procurement of weapons of all kinds, nuclear arms, conventional arms, tanks, aeroplanes, submarines and drones, but also expenditures for military exercises, bases, weapons research, testing, environmental damage, removal of land mines and explosives, personnel costs, demobilization, rehabilitation, health care of veterans, national surveillance, global espionage, and – not to be forgotten – the interest paid on debts from ongoing and past wars.17

  3. Military expenditures are staggering18 and there is scant hope that disarmament negotiations will result in a significant reduction of military budgets and stop the trend to militarization in the foreseeable future. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) estimates that, in the year 2013, approximately 1,747 billion dollars were spent worldwide for the military.19 The biggest spender devoted as much as 40 per cent of tax revenues to the military.20 The Independent Expert joins the United Nations Secretary-General in deploring this situation; “the world is over-armed and development is underfunded”.21

  4. The Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University published a study on the cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, estimating it at somewhere between four and six trillion United States dollars.22 This study focused on the cost to the United States taxpayer, not to other members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the “coalition of the willing”, or to the population of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Much good could have been accomplished if a fraction of those military expenditures had been devoted to the promotion of the Millennium Development Goals.

  5. The links between militarism and development as well as the connection between war and the environment must be taken into account. The environment requires protection; the testing of new weapons, their use in war and their continuing polluting effects cause long-term environmental and economic damage that should be factored in when the costs of militarism are computed. It is useful to recall principle 24 of the Rio Declaration of 1992: “warfare is inherently destructive of sustainable development. States shall therefore respect international law by providing protection for the environment in times of armed conflict and cooperate in its further development, as necessary.”23

  6. Many international statesmen have already pondered the issue of budgetary priorities. More than 60 years ago, the President of the United States of America, Dwight Eisenhower eloquently addressed the predicament: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its labourers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.”24 Expenditures for military nuclear research and the production and stockpiling of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction have been astronomical, exceeding US$100 billion per year.25

B. The sword of Damocles and nuclear annihilation

  1. Since the invention of the atomic and hydrogen bombs, mankind has possessed the capacity to annihilate itself many times over.26 Winston Churchill was one of many alerting us to the grave dangers inherent in weapons of mass destruction, noting that “the Stone Age may return on the gleaming wings of science, and what might now shower immeasurable material blessings upon mankind may even bring about its total destruction”.27 More recently, this has been echoed by senior statesmen, including Vaclav Havel, Ricardo Lagos, Fernando Cardoso, Yasuo Fukuda, Ruud Lubbers and Helmut Schmidt, who launched the Global Zero campaign28 to advocate total nuclear disarmament.

  2. Eminent figures like Mikhail Gorbachev29 have pointed out the constant danger that nuclear weapons pose for humanity and the consequent necessity to eliminate this danger, because nuclear destruction may occur not only as a result of a deliberate first strike by an aggressor but also by human, electronic or technical error. In view of numerous “close calls” since 1945, it is fortunate that a technological glitch has not ushered in the end of humanity.30

  3. The General Assembly has adopted many resolutions concerning the nuclear threat, most recently resolution 68/40 in 2013, in which it urged States to take the measures necessary to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons in all its aspects and to promote nuclear disarmament, with the objective of eliminating nuclear weapon, requested the Secretary-General to intensify efforts and support initiatives that would contribute towards the full implementation of the seven recommendations identified in the report of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters that would significantly reduce the risk of nuclear war and urged States to convene an international conference, as proposed in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, to identify ways of eliminating nuclear dangers.

  4. Disarmament is not just an idle promise; it is also a commitment under article 26 of the Charter of the United Nations, which stipulates: “In order to promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion for armaments of the world’s human and economic resources, the Security Council shall be responsible for formulating plans to be submitted to the Members of the United Nations for the establishment of a system for the regulation of armaments.” The world is waiting for an effective system of disarmament that will ensure human security without warfare.

  5. In this context it is useful to recall the Nuremberg Judgment of 1946 holding that “To initiate a war of aggression … is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”31 In the post-nuclear world, a war of aggression would not only be a crime, but quite possibly would mean the destruction of any and all international order.32 The existence of zero nuclear weapons may sound utopian, but the effort is required in the name of humanity. We must not forget the sword of Damocles still suspended over our heads.33

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